
New Teacher Institute - 2015

Time limit: 185 days


Full program description

Course Details

Duration: 2 Years

Commitment: Monthly 

Course Type: Face-to-Face and Embedded Coaching

Credits Awarded Upon Completion: None (Required)

Course Overview

The New Teacher Institute puts new teachers in touch with people, ideas, and experiences designed to help them achieve success their initial years. They share ideas and become more familiar with the resources available to them in the district and the community.
The Goals and Beliefs....

The goals of the New Teacher Institute (NTI) promote the district's mission and strategic plan, address the learner standards, and implement state-mandated guidelines for induction programs. They can be stated as follows.

  • to increase the retention of first-year teachers;
  • to improve teacher performance;
  • to promote the personal and professional well-being of first-year teachers;
  • to transmit the school system’s culture;
  • to integrate the first-year teacher into the Rock Hill School District community


NTI sessions are for the 4th Monday of each month.